February can be a challenging month in Northern Michigan! It takes effort to maintain a state of health and balance with things like seasonal depression and influenza knocking at the door.
Let's pool our resources and knowledge to help each other boost our home herbal apothecaries. Bring what you happen to have alot of. If you have extra medicine that is already prepared, bring that (along with small tincture bottles or some way to distribute). We can also easily prepare some tinctures, infused vinegars and even glycerines together.
This is a “make and take” project so if you plan on making and taking, please bring something to contribute.
As space is limited, please RSVP by contacting Patti Travioli, email patti@heartwoodforestfarm.com call or text 231-492-5002.
Herb Guild General Info:
The Northwest Michigan Herb Guild is open to all of those interested in sharing and learning more about herbs from all perspectives, whether practical, botanical, culinary, or medicinal. All are welcome with any level of experience. However, we seek to cultivate a committed community of herb enthusiasts and professionals who meet regularly. Meetings will continue on the second Thursday of every month and we hope you'll plan to continue joining us.
These guild gatherings are FREE, but we welcome donations to help to offset the cost of meeting space and to cover supplies for group activities that will be led by members during meetings. If there is a particular subject you would like to learn more about, or if you would like to lead a meeting to share herbal information or activities, please be in touch.