RSVP to and include subject: "Virtual Arts Round Table 4/7".
Join Northwest Michigan Arts & Culture Network, Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology, Artists of Northwest Michigan, and local artists and arts professionals, to discuss:
1. News from the NW MI Arts & Culture Network
2. Impact of current events in our arts communities: If you are affiliated with the arts and culture in northwest Michigan, your voice is important! This is the time to share:
Your experiences: How is Covid-19 and the resulting isolation, closures, etc. affecting your work and wellbeing? What are your needs? How can the arts community help you?
Tips & resources, including emergency arts funding, work sustainability, & digital work solutions. What is working for you? What can you do to support the arts community?
Coping strategies: Let's make the most of this and support each other, emotionally & professionally!
Thinking long-term: How we can work together to emerge stronger and better connected on the other side of this experience?
Please RSVP to and the ZOOM chat URL will be sent to you.
Tips to keep Zoom discussions running smoothly:
1. Keep your microphone on mute when not talking so that background noise does not interfere.
2. When you wish to speak, please raise your hand or use the "raise hand" button to alert the moderator, who will lead the discussion.
We hope to see you soon!