A monthly meeting for Petoskey area beekeepers every third Thursday, led by Matt Lesky of Bees North of 45, and Brian Bates and Anne Morningstar of Bear Creek Organic Farm. No experience necessary, the only requirement to join is an interest in Beekeeping.
Meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month at NCMC, room 536 of the Student and Community Resource Center. Join us, it's free!
Starting at 7pm - BEGINNING BEEKEEPING, THE 1ST YEAR, with Mike Banyai
(Free, but pre-registration required for the 7pm class.)
For those that have never had bees and are considering keeping bees in 2017...There are things you need to know and do in the winter if you are going to have bees this summer. We will cover a lot of very practical topics including the cost of keeping bees and the time line of what things need to be done int he coming months.
NOTE: January through May, we'll have special classes around beekeeping starting at 7pm. So the 6-7pm time slot will be the same discussion time as always, and then from 7-8:30pm, we'll have a presenter teaching around a specific topic. For information about the guilds, check out our guild page or contact Jen.
*Is Petoskey too far away from you? There is a group that meets in Traverse City on Thursdays as well! For more information, check out the Grand Traverse Beekeeping Club.